Debunking common myths about climate change

Debunking common myths about climate change

When you read articles from climate skeptics, you probably find yourself wondering – “Is climate change for real?”. The short answer is yes. There is a reason why scientists are concerned about melting ice or unprecedented environmental catastrophes. You are mistaken if you think there’s nothing you can do about it. As the average consumer, you have a role in dealing with these problems plaguing the planet. From panneau solaire installations to using energy-efficient technologies, small steps can go a long way. In this post, we are debunking common myths about climate change.

Myth 1 – There is absolutely nothing believable about climate change

This one is a popular one. The truth is the world is heating up faster than ever before. There is data to prove that the Northern Hemisphere hasn’t been this warm in more than 1,200 years. If you check the rising temperatures in all the major metros in the world, the change is evident.

Myth 2 – Climate change is a part of the natural process

There is sufficient data to show that human activity is mainly responsible for climate change. Whether it is about industrial growth or the rampant destruction of forests, every step has led to a situation where carbon dioxide levels are at an all-time high.

Myth 3 – There is no agreement on climate change

As we mentioned, there are climate skeptics, but they are outnumbered by scientists and scientific institutions that agree on many points. Two facts are pretty evident: The world is heating up, and the extensive use of fossil fuels has led to this. No matter whether you choose to live in a bubble, it is true that human activity is at the core of every change.

Myth 4 – Some places are colder than before, and therefore, the global warming story doesn’t add up

This is another myth that needs to be debunked. Keep in mind that global average air temperatures are on the rise, which is primarily attributed to carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Local weather changes are also extreme, and just because some places are now colder than before, it doesn’t mean these shifts are expected.

Myth 5 – Climate change is because of the sun’s activity

Again, the sun’s activity is not directly responsible for rising temperatures because atmospheric layers would be warming up at a similar pace if that had been the case. In contrast, only the lower atmospheric temperatures are on the rise.

If you haven’t already, adopt changes that can make the world a better place.

Chiaramonte Garner

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